Warp Reactor:
Normal Cruising Speed:
Max Cruising Speed:
Maximum Speed:
Color Key: Cannon Facts - Estimation - Speculation
Notes: The Dauntless class was reverse engineered from an alien starship encountered by the
USS Voyager in the Delta quadrant. The Dauntless' most notable feature is an experimental
quantum slipstream drive that allowed the Dauntless to break normal warp speed limitations;
this technology was also obtained from the same alien ship. Being reversed engineered the
Federation Dauntless and the alien Dauntless share a remarkable similarity in design.
Dauntless Class
Threat Rating: Med Est Ships: 1 Known Ships: 1
A u x i l i a r y
I n f o
Notable Ships
NCC-80816 USS Dauntless
The maximum speed and viability of the Federation quantum slipstream drive remain classified
and unknown.