Notable Ships NCC-1701-E USS Enterprise
NCC-75307 USS Arsinoe
NCC-74669 USS Gilgamesh
NCC-74975 USS Hrothgar
NCC-74957 USS Hutchinson
NCC-74107 USS Okuda
NCC-74181 USS Pachacuti
NCC-73811 USS Sovereign
NCC-74877 USS Valkyrie
NCC-72504 USS Van Citters
NCC-75306 USS Venture
History 2372 - U.S.S. Enterperise-E commissioned
Fulfilling its role as an unofficial battleship the Sovereign class is equipped with quantum torpedoes and Type XII phasers.
These weapons systems can out match almost every ship in the Alpha Quadrant and are intended to engage the Borg and the Dominion.
The Sovereign class is also fitted with a high capacity shield system allowing it to stay in a fire fight much longer then a
Galaxy class starship.
In addition to the class' tactical systems, the hull has been streamed lined and fitted with warp engines and nacelles that
reduce damage to subspace. The Sovereign class can reach warp speeds of greater then 9.9, making it one of Starfleet's fastest