Warp Reactor:
Normal Cruising Speed:
Max Cruising Speed:
Maximum Speed:
Energy Weapon
Color Key: Cannon Facts - Estimation - Speculation
Notes: The Species 8472 bioship was first encountered by U.S.S. Voyager in the Delta Quadrant in 2373 engaged in a war of
extermination against the Borg. The 8472 bioship is composed of mainly organic technology that is similar to Species 8472
itself that is impervious to all known conventional weapons, including Starfleet and Borg weapons, additionally the 8472
bioship is also impervious to standard Borg nanoprobes. The 8472 bioship has one main energy beam weapon that is capable of
destroying a Borg cube with one shot. Species 8472 and their bioships were finally defeated by U.S.S. Voyager by the use of
modified Borg nonprobes.
8472 Bioship
Threat Rating: High Est Ships: 1000s Known Ships: 0
Energy weapon
A u x i l i a r y
I n f o
Notable Ships
2373 - U.S.S. Voyager encounters the bioship
The 8472 bioship did not originate from our galaxy. Instead it comes from a parallel dimension of fluidic space.