Warp Reactor:
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Color Key: Cannon Facts - Estimation - Speculation
Notes: The Hirogen hunter vessel is the most common ship used by the Hirogen. This ship is equipped with powerful weapons and
is heavily armored, Starfleet phasers do little damage to the armor and a small group can take an Intrepid class starship.
The Hirogen use these vessels to hunt their prey across their expansive territory, though are not used as traditional warships.
Even with their large size the ships can be manned by only few hunters and are more of traveling displays of the Hirogen's
hunt trophies.
Hirogen Hunter
Threat Rating: High Est Ships: 1000s Known Ships: 0
A u x i l i a r y
I n f o
Notable Ships
2374 - U.S.S. Voyager encounters this Hirogens and their vessels