Warp Reactor:
Normal Cruising Speed:
Max Cruising Speed:
Maximum Speed:
Color Key: Cannon Facts - Estimation - Speculation
Image Credit - M. Wiley
Notes: Little is know about the Son'a battleship except from a single battle with the U.S.S. Enterprise-E in a region of
space known as the Briar Patch. The Son'a are only slightly less advance then the Federation, two of the Son'a battle ships
proved more then a match for the Enterprise, though the Briar Patch put the Enterprise at a several disadvantage which it was
not equipped to operate in, it is unclear how these ships would compare in normal space. The Son'a battleships equipped with
of isolytic subspace weapons, these weapons were outlawed by all major races by the Second Khitomer Accords.
Son'a Battleship
Threat Rating: High Est Ships: 10s Known Ships: 2
Isolytic subspace weapons
A u x i l i a r y
I n f o
Notable Ships
2375 - U.S.S. Enterprise encounters and destroys one Son'a battleship and crippled another.
Even though equipped with formidable weapons the Son'a battleships appear to have weak hulls and shielding.