Star Trek Intelligence - The best source for Star Trek starships and technology information - Last update: 12.31.2022
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Starfleet Intelligence Central Records Archive

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As requested, selected starship and technology intelligence reports transferred from the Central Records Archive located at Starfleet Intelligence headquarters. Per regulations all information in this document is considered classified and is not to be shared with individuals without prior clearance.

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Star Trek Intelligence 7.0 ... Is now online!

A new redesign and content up to and including the latest seasons of Star Trek! Please check out the Federation startships for the first wave.

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Star Trek Intelligence 6.0 ... Online

Welcome to the new and improved Star Trek Intelligence 6.0. I apologize for the long neglect of the site, after the 'reported' death of Star Trek. Though with new life, I though it might might be time to also bring the old site back to life for the enjoyment of all.

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526 meters
320 meters
125 meters
3,700,000 metric tons
Cruising Speed:
Max Speed:
Type IX
Warp 6
Warp 9.2 (12 hrs)
Notes: The Ambassador could be considered Starfleet's first modern class design. Designed to replace the aging Excelsior class, and to fulfill an expanded mission role, the Ambassadors were equipped with upgraded scientific and diplomatic resources. The new role reflected a mission of exploration for Starfleet after the Kithomer accords created peace with the Klingon Empire. Though no longer needed to defend the frontiers, the Ambassador class was also equipped with upgraded weapons systems to relieve the outmatched Excelsior class in battle situations. History records that an Ambassador Class starship, the Enterprise-C, finally cemented relations between the Klingon Empire and the Federation while defending a Klingon outpost against a Romulan attack, at the cost of the destruction of the Enterprise-C. Today the Ambassador class is limited to service in Starfleet's military wing surpassed by more advance classes.
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The quantum torpedo is Starfleet Â’s replacement for the standard photon torpedo aboard starships.

The quantum torpedo operates through super string theory, specifically zero point energy, where an eleven dimensional membrane is created and twisted into a form of a Genus 1 then pinched off from the background vacuum energy. This act calls into existence a large number of new sub-atomic particles and freeing energy used to power the warhead. This process is similar to the event that created the universe in the big bang.

Testing of the quantum torpedo first took place on 2355 under the surface of an abandon moon. The energ y output of the device was calculated to be 52.3 isotons, more than twice the theoretical maximum output of a standard photon torpedo.

The design of the quantum torpedo consists of the zero-point field reaction chamber with an EM initiator attached to one end of the chamber along with an EM recti fier, waveguide bundle, subspace field generator, and continuum distortion emitter. The zero point reaction is powered by an uprated photon torpedo warhead with a yield of 21.8 isotons. The energy of the antimatter detonation is funneled into the initiator where the membrane reaction occurs.

The quantum torpedo is currently only being used aboard Defiant and Sovereign class vessels due to the difficult in manufacturing each torpedo.