Star Trek Intelligence - The best source for Star Trek starships and technology information - Last update: 12.31.2022
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Starfleet Intelligence Central Records Archive

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As requested, selected starship and technology intelligence reports transferred from the Central Records Archive located at Starfleet Intelligence headquarters. Per regulations all information in this document is considered classified and is not to be shared with individuals without prior clearance.

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A new redesign and content up to and including the latest seasons of Star Trek! Please check out the Federation startships for the first wave.

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Star Trek Intelligence 6.0 ... Online

Welcome to the new and improved Star Trek Intelligence 6.0. I apologize for the long neglect of the site, after the 'reported' death of Star Trek. Though with new life, I though it might might be time to also bring the old site back to life for the enjoyment of all.

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Early Warp Vessel
121 meters
48 meters
40 meters
30,000 metric tons
Cruising Speed:
Max Speed:
Laser Cannons

Warp 4.5
Notes: The Daedalus class was one of Starfleet's earliest warp vessel designs. Commissioned shortly before the founding of the Federation, the Daedalus class ships soon became involved in the Romulan-Earth war and were fitted with nuclear warheads. Though primitive the Daedalus class helped battle the Romulans back into their space and end the war in a stalemate. At wars end the Federation was founded and the Neutral Zone established. With new technology from Federation member worlds the Daedalus class was soon retired after less then 40 years of service.
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Impulse engines are the main form of sub-light propulsion on board Federation starships. Impulse drive is mainly used within solar systems or areas of space where warp drive is no available. Normal operation of the impulse engines will propel a Federation starship at up to speeds of 0.25c. Depending on the size and number of impulse engines available, ships such as the Galaxy class, can obtain emergency speeds up to 0.75c when required from the impulse engines. The impulse engine reactors are also the main source of power for the ships EPS power systems.

Onboard Federation starships there is normally one main impulse drive mounted on the rear of the secondary hull. This drive is used for the primary propulsion of the ship during standard operation. On larger Federation starships there may secondary impulse engines mounted on the primary hull to provide additional propulsion for the ship.

The impulse engines are composed of four main parts. The first part of the engine is one or more fusion reaction chambers. These reaction chambers are supplied deuterium from the ships primary storage tanks; here it undergoes a fusion reaction producing high energy plasma. The plasma is directed out of the chamber into the accelerator/generator stage. During times when the impulse engines are not being used to propel the ship the output of the reaction chamber are directed into the ships EPS system. When being used to propel the ship the plasma is accelerated and passed into the driver coil assembly. The driver coils are similar to those found in the ship Â’s warp engines; these coils have the effect of reducing the ships apparent mass allowing the reaction to drive the ship. After leaving the driver coils the plasma is sent though the vector exhaust ports, driving the ship forward.

Prolonged use of the impulse engines are not recommended due to th e effects of special relativity, especially at speeds higher than 0.25c.