Star Trek Intelligence - The best source for Star Trek starships and technology information - Last update: 12.31.2022
Star Trek and all related material are registered trademarks of CBS and Paramount Pictures. All information relating to Star Trek on the following pages is solely intended for the entertainment of the viewer only. All known information and image sources have been credited, no copyright infringement is intended. For all issues please contact Star Trek Intelligence

All content, Copyright © 1998-2020 by Star Trek Intelligence [ST-I] and Brandon Bausch. All rights reserved.
Starfleet Intelligence Central Records Archive

Select Starship and Technology Report

As requested, selected starship and technology intelligence reports transferred from the Central Records Archive located at Starfleet Intelligence headquarters. Per regulations all information in this document is considered classified and is not to be shared with individuals without prior clearance.

You may now use this PADD to review intelligence information obtained from the major powers of the galaxy translated into standard Federation English for your convenience. To review, click the button at the top of your PADD. Further database structure and usage information can be found in the database guide.

Please select the starship intelligence report of your choice. It should be noted that because of the nature of intelligence gathering, only a limited amount of information may have been obtained due to an increase in security or the reassignment or untimely death of one or more undercover agents. However Star Fleet Intelligence is committed to gather the most complete intelligence possible, no matter the cost.

Star Trek Intelligence 7.0 ... Is now online!

A new redesign and content up to and including the latest seasons of Star Trek! Please check out the Federation startships for the first wave.

Ship Rendering Engine ... Online
Interface Update ... Online
Database Update ... Online
Star Trek Intelligence 6.0 ... Online

Welcome to the new and improved Star Trek Intelligence 6.0. I apologize for the long neglect of the site, after the 'reported' death of Star Trek. Though with new life, I though it might might be time to also bring the old site back to life for the enjoyment of all.

ship button
8.5 meters
5 meters
3 meters

Cruising Speed:
Max Speed:

Type VI

Notes: Long range warp capable shuttle found at Starfleet facilities, Intrepid class, and similar starships. The class 9 shuttles are some of Starfleet's most advance shuttles; they're capable of long range missions between starbases and starships.
tech button

The autodestruct system is the last resort on board any Federation starships after all propulsion, weapons, and defensive systems have been disabled. The autodestruct system is intended to keep the ship, the technology, and the crew from falling into enemy hands by completely obliterating the vessel.

After the autodestruct command has been issued by the command crew there are two possible methods to destroy the starship. The preferred method is to override all warp engine safety interlocks and combine the entire supply of deuterium and anti-deuterium supply simultaneously. The resulting reaction has the energy of 1000 photon torpedoes completely destroying the ship. The second method is available if the computer is unable to release the matter and anti-matter supplies or the saucer section of a starship is separated. In strategically location throughout the ship ordinance packages are placed that explode simultaneously along with an overload of all fusion reaction chambers in the impulse drive. This reaction produces an explosion equivalent to 500 photon torpedoes.